Presidential Program 1: Descringe — Administrative Reform, or Optimization of the Public Machine


We live in an era where technology allows us to access information and make decisions quickly and efficiently. However, our political system still operates with bureaucratic processes that consume time, money, and energy. The population also votes once every 4 years and then is completely alienated from the government, unless it is there embarrassed within a party structure that consumes a lot of time and is not a priority for everyone. It's time to deconstruct this cringe system and optimize our public machine.


Firstly, let's simplify processes. No more meaningless queues, chaotic processes, and waiting for employees who show up once a year. The idea is to digitize and automate as much as possible, making the public machine more accessible, comfortable, efficient, and less costly.

Also, we will introduce the experiment of a co-managed Federal Presidency model, where even though we have a single name in the acronym to be elected (for legal reasons), the office, in fact, will be conducted by a system already agreed upon, of a computer and open-source nature, where decisions will depend on a presidential family nucleus (spouses) and a third seat, for the resolution of impasses, of a public and civil nature, where the simple majority among the three will always prevail in the execution of the federal government.

In this term, we intend to align the presidency and the execution of the country directly with the UNA Decision System, where we aim for the population to also approach the matters of the presidency, whether in the form of plebiscites, performance evaluations, decision-making deadlocks, etc, considering the co-managed and unprecedented nature of this presidency, but carried out in a cautious manner and focusing on learning and improving the method.

The Nexus Tree, or the decision-making system we propose, seeks to reduce inefficiencies in process management and prevent the autarchic abuse of power by absolute leaders.

The coherent reduction of the public machine, from an economic perspective, will allow and enable, to varying degrees, all other programs listed in this document, to impact either in the reduction of the program budget, or in the effective economy of the Union budget as we know it today, and therefore we bring it as the first point, to translate into numbers from now on, the feasible aspect of this government and its programs and promises.

Estimated Budget

Currently, Brazil spends 330 billion reais per year on salaries for public positions. This represents 1,520 reais per year for each Brazilian. However, these values do not take into account office expenses, suppliers, outsourced services, benefits, pensions, among others. All in all, the Brazilian public machine costs 4.7 trillion reais per year, that is, 21 thousand reais per year for each Brazilian. Much more than the salaries of public employees, the greatest opportunity for cost reduction is, precisely, in all the apparatus that orbits around these same positions, and not in the positions themselves, which may be: retired prematurely; or qualified and re-signified in new functions.

With the proposed optimization, a significant saving of these values is estimated.

Estimated Schedule

With this reform, we intend to make the public machine more efficient and less costly, allowing public money to be better applied in areas that really matter to the population.